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Your Living Wish
Making decisions now about the care you would want to receive if you become unable to speak for yourself may be challenging to begin but helpful for your family, those closest to you, and your care team. These are your decisions to make, regardless of what you choose for your care, and the decisions are based on your personal values, preferences, and discussions with your loved ones.
If you are in an accident or have an illness that leaves you unable to talk about your wishes, who will speak for you? You can tell your family, friends and healthcare providers what your wishes and personal beliefs are about continuing or withdrawing medical treatments at the end of life. Advance care planning includes:
- Getting information on the types of life-sustaining treatments that are available.
- Deciding what types of treatment(s) you would or would not want should you be diagnosed with a life-limiting illness.
- Sharing your personal values with your loved ones.
- Completing advance directives to put into writing what types of treatment you would or would not want should you be unable to speak for yourself.

Communicating Your End-of-Life Wishes
It is important that you:
- Make your wishes known in the event you cannot express them
- Assure your family understands your choices – before a crisis occurs
- Provide documentation that supports and explains your wishes to your doctor and loved ones
Decisions about end-of-life care are deeply personal and are based on your values and beliefs. Because it is impossible to foresee every type of circumstance or illness, it is essential to think in general about what is important to you. Conversations that focus on your wishes and beliefs will relieve loved ones and healthcare providers of the need to guess what you would want.
To gain a better understanding of Advance Care Planning, we offer assistance from members of our Fairhope team in speaking with you about your express wishes and completing your healthcare choices. If you would like to download the necessary forms online, visit Leading Age of Ohio for the link to “Choices: Living Well at the End of Life” booklet.