Celebrating life in the new year

Celebrating life in the new year

By Kristin Glasure, FAIRHOPE president and CEO

A new year is the perfect time to reflect. For many, it can be a time to shift perspectives or even to make a conscious effort to approach life differently.

If your loved one is in hospice care, the new year offers a reminder to focus on the beauty and joy that can be found, even while nearing the end of life. Hospice affirms life, offers peace, and provides an opportunity for awareness about what is to come for your loved one and family.

During reflection and when spending time together, focus on progress, not perfection. Set small, attainable goals and pick activities that feel refreshing, peaceful, relaxing, or energizing. Every day is an opportunity to lead a life worth living. Connect or reconnect with one another by sharing stories, playing a childhood game, reminiscing over old photographs, listening to music or calling an old friend. Express gratitude by sending thank you notes or gifts, writing out blessings or donating to a worthwhile charitable cause. Appreciate nature by watching the sun rise or set, viewing the stars, visiting a garden or park and observing the birds, dogs, children and other sights and sounds along the way. If learning new activities or being active is practical, read a new book or take a class like yoga, meditation or dance. Talk about the unknown and take each day as it comes. Use this time to obtain closure and prepare for the end-of-life journey.

Be sure to celebrate every win. Join me this year in renewing the commitment to celebrate life today and every day!