10 Safe Summer Activities for Older Adult Loved Ones
By: Kristin Glasure, President & CEO, FAIRHOPE Hospice & Palliative Care

- Splash or soak. Water-based activities, from floating to participating in a water aerobics class to swimming, offer older adults a wide range of options to enjoy while in the pool. When the temperatures are extremely high, an indoor pool is a perfect alternative to being outdoors.
- Read a book. Reading has numerous benefits including reducing stress, enhancing sleep, and sharpening decision-making. Churches and libraries may have an existing book club or family members and friends can arrange to read the same book. Look into alternatives like audio books or large print versions if eyesight is an issue.
- Play games. Board games and card games are fun ways to help older adults prevent boredom while also socializing. Putting puzzles together can help engage the mind, improve concentration skills, and provide a sense of purpose through the accomplishment. For more active older adults, games that can be played on an indoor court like Pickleball or even cornhole can provide hours of entertainment and physical exercise.
- Get artistic. Artistic activities provide creative opportunities to stimulate the senses. Crafts, working with clay, sewing, making a blanket, or creating a painting can help stimulate the senses and boost mood. Taking photographs indoors allows for connecting to the environment in a new way with the option to display favorite shots. Going through old photos can trigger reminiscing about the past, from days at an amusement park to trips across the country.
- Cook. Cooking can be a therapeutic activity that allows for a sense of purpose and a creative outlet. Eating healthy with fresh fruits and vegetables can provide valuable nutrition and result in delicious home-cooked meals. If able, older adults can enjoy helping with food preparation with a child or grandchild. Indoor picnics are a great option for families and friends to bond and connect over favorite summertime foods like watermelon, salads, and smoothies. Planting vegetables in pots can allow for indoor gardening. And when ready for a treat, plan an ice cream social with several different flavors of ice cream and set up a “build your own sundae” bar complete with toppings to indulge the sweet tooth.
- Be a tourist. If you live in a city, take an air-conditioned tour to see the local sights or drive around town to check out new construction, blooming flowers, or even find a cool place in a wooded area for bird watching. Public libraries, recreation centers, civic buildings, churches or other places of worship and senior centers often offer free opportunities inside a cool building. Museums and aquariums may offer free summer activities or provide senior citizen discounts on tickets. Take advantage of the cooler times of the day by watching the sunrise, visiting a farmers’ market in the early morning or view the sunset or take in a late evening concert.
- Binge watch. Television series and movies can provide an emotional escape for older adults, with a wide variety of genres available.
- Eat out. A favorite snack or restaurant can offer an immediate mood boost. Enjoy coffee and pastry from a favorite breakfast spot or a sandwich from the local diner. When dining out isn’t feasible, enjoying take-out at home is another fun option.
- Visit the mall. Shop for specific items, or just browse the window displays. Walking indoors can be great exercise as well. Loved ones can even just enjoy sitting and people-watching in an air-conditioned environment.
- Take a class. Many community centers and colleges offer classes during the summer that can help their creativity grow while connecting socially. Learn a foreign language, how to play an instrument, take an exercise class like yoga, or study literature or astronomy.