FAIRHOPE Recognizes 2020 Celebrate Life Award Winners
For Immediate Release
LANCASTER, Ohio (December 16, 2020) — To ensure the safety of staff, patients and community members, FAIRHOPE Hospice & Palliative Care, Inc. canceled their third annual FAIRHOPE Celebrate Life event. This event recognizes outstanding individuals, families and groups for their continuous dedication and support they show to FAIRHOPE’s mission. Despite the cancellation, FAIRHOPE’s President/CEO, Denise Bauer, highlights each award recipient and their contributions:
The Virginia L. Pickering Philanthropic Award: Ernie Cook: Ernie Cook – The Egg Roll Poker Run
“Ernie Cook and his brother, Eddie, had a great love for motorcycles and a passion for raising funds for FAIRHOPE in memory of their parents through their annual Motorcycle Run,” said Denise Bauer, FAIRHOPE President/CEO. “Eddie, nicknamed Egg Roll, passed away a few years ago. Ernie committed to continuing the fundraiser and renamed it to The Egg Roll Poker Run to honor his late brother. The fundraiser continues to raise money for FAIRHOPE and in total has been going on for 13 years and raised over $50,000.”
The President’s Leadership Award – Dee Mowry
“In the late 1970s, Dee, with other civic-minded community members, identified the need for hospice and worked to develop a local program to provide palliative and supportive services for the needs of terminally ill patients and their families,” said Denise Bauer, FAIRHOPE President/CEO. “Because of wonderful supporters like Dee, I can say proudly that out of those humble beginnings grew FAIRHOPE Hospice and Palliative Care, the Pickering House and the Anita M. Turner Grief Center that we know today.”
The “Heart of Hospice” Award – Janet Schmeltzer
The “Heart of Hospice” Award is given to one individual proven to have a longstanding commitment to the mission of FAIRHOPE,” said Denise Bauer, FAIRHOPE President/CEO. “Janet Schmeltzer displays outstanding leadership in support of FAIRHOPE’s goals and promotes a spirit of altruism through her continuous work. She has volunteered with FAIRHOPE for over 20 years and has truly contributed her time, talent and treasure.”
The Partners in Excellence Award – Lancaster City Schools
“When FAIRHOPE initiated its school-based grief support program, PALS for grieving children, the Lancaster City Schools immediately recognized the need to support grieving students within the district in order to care for the overall child,” said Denise Bauer, FAIRHOPE President/CEO. “On behalf of those students whose hearts mourn, thank you for allowing us the opportunity to help children learn to preserve the positive memories while releasing the negative ones.”
“We hope that by exercising caution and safety this year, we can enjoy future FAIRHOPE Celebrates events to come when the current challenges have passed,” said Denise Bauer, FAIRHOPE President/CEO. “FAIRHOPE is immensely grateful for all of the support we’ve experienced through these unprecedented times and thank every person and organization who help us serve the families we do.”